The Savage Addicts Mailing List
List Rules:
In order to make the Savage Addicts experience as positive as possible we've created a
few important list rules. We want people to feel free to express themselves on our list,
however, we also feel it is important to avoid as much negativity as possible. As monitors, we reserve the right to enforce these rules as we see fit. Under MOST circumstances, we will give a warning when a rule has been broke (either privately or publicly). However, there may be some extreme cases where immediate action may be taken.
Now, on to the rules:
Rule #1) Bashing of the band, or any online Savage Garden list, or Savage Garden fan
(including other Savage Addict members) will not be tolerated. We realize that not every
Savage Garden fan will get along with each other, nor do we expect them too. Members
of the Savage Addicts often view our list as a family. Therefore, from time to time they
feel the need to vent about things that have happened in their lives. We won't discourage
members from venting about confrontations with other fans, however we ask people to
refrain from discussing major details, especially the names of people they are having issues with. If venting turns into fighting, we reserve the right to end the line of
Rule #2) Bashing of other artists, musical genres, or other items of personal taste is
discouraged. Again, we don't expect people to agree on everything, but we also don't
want people feel uncomfortable when posting about their personal tastes. If you feel the
need to bash other people's tastes, then don't expect us to step in when someone bashes
yours. :)
Rule #3) VERY little discussion in regards to the personal lives of Darren and Daniel will be allowed. We realize that the guys have put a lot of their personal lives in their music. However, we still feel that Darren and Daniel should be given the courtesy of having their personal lives kept personal.
Rule #4) Emails from this list may not be forwarded on to others without written
permission from the member that sent out the email. This includes pictures, sound files, or anything else forwarded to the list. This rule is simply a rule placed out of respect for other members privacy.
We also reserve the right to add and/or change any rules as we see fit. If you believe a
rule has been broken that we have overlooked (which happens from time to time), please
send a PRIVATE email to one of the monitors and we will look into the matter. If you
believe that a monitor has broken a rule, please email them PRIVATELY and discuss it
with them. If you believe you have been unjustly booted off the list, please send an email to one of the monitors (from time to time the list server has a glitch and deletes someone accidentally. Do not necessarily assume we kicked you off.)
List Suggestions:
The Savage Addicts list tends to have a heavy load of emails. We've put together a list of suggestions for the list that we feel will cut down on unnecessary emails, and make
conversations easy to follow.
Suggestion #1) Please make sure to keep the contents of the email you are responded to
in the email you are sending. Numerous members answer different conversations strings,
so it makes it extremely difficult to tell who you are talking to if you do not keep the old message within your response.
Suggestion #2) Keep one liner emails to a minimum.
Suggestion #3) If you have a message that you want to only go to one member, please
email them personally instead of emailing the entire list.
Suggestion #4) If you fall behind in your emails, please read through them all before
responding. This way you can avoid answering question that has already been
Suggestion #5) Please put "Non-SG" or some other indication in your subject line if your
email does not pertain to Savage Garden.
Suggestion #6) Please keep emails age appropriate. We have members on this list at many different ages. Sexual content is not necessarily discouraged, however, we ask members to keep in mind that younger members could be reading those emails.
As always, if you have any questions about the rules/suggestions, or if you want us to
consider adding another rule/suggestion to these lists, please email one of the monitors
and let us know. Thank you!
The Savage Addicts Management.
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