Our Proud Members

Want to find out who has an upcoming birthday? Here's the place! Just browse through the submitted birthdays shown below and you can be prepared for it! (Addicts are listed in calendar order)

Liberty - January 8th
Kiri - January 27th
Anabella - January 27th
Melissa - February 2nd
Kellie - March 1st
Sharon - March 21st
Jules - March 26th
Jorja - May 4th
Debbie - May 5th
Katie - May 17th
Missy - May 23rd
Liz - May 25th
Cindy - May 26th
Michelle - May 30th
Stasha - May 30th
Jessi - June 6th
Lena - June 8th
~Sarah~ - June 13th
Tiff - June 20th
Andrea - July 13th
*Wendy* - August 7th
Taylorr - August 21st
Ames - August 22nd
Mimi - August 25th
Sam - August 25th
Ashley - August 27th
Savage Addicts - October 13th, 1998
Louise - October 24th
Becca - November 5th
Ivree - November 17th
Rosa - November 17th
Andrea - November 28th
*Julia* - December 2nd
Pablo - December 3rd

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