Savage Garden Concert Reviews
Radio City Music Hall - By Jorja
Ok my day started of on a 4 hour bus trip..I was getting very sick form the
ride..but is was worth it..I went to my hotel and then My friend and I went
to the Olive Garden to meet up w/ Lori , Cindy and Amanda....We waited but I
couldn't stay long..I felt bad that I left and then you guys came..We had to
meet up w/ my friends uncle and who came to NYC he lives close by and we were
suppose to meet w/ him earlier but..he couldn't so Our plans got messed
up..Fortuantley Lori and Cindy were right behind me at the concert. :)
So about 7oclock we went to Radio City..I took 2 pics of the biulding . Then
There was this marble stone thing near there w/ the initials SG which I had
to take a picture of..Then we decide to take a walk to the side of Radio City
and people were waiting for the guys...I also met some of my other friends
who were there...Ben and Lee came by and i didn't take a pic of them:( it
happened so fast..Another friend of mine had a very cool shirt of all the
band members pic and she had ben and lee sign on their pic..I love her
shirt...Anyway then Darren came out andthere were only a few people
there...Darrencame by us and when he took my cd cover to sign I aked to take
a picture w/ him and he sadi yes..he put his arm around me and then was
looking around for a while..Then he asked where the camera was and we took
the picture..he was gentle and sweet..The he was still next to me and he
signed my friends cool shirt As he looked for his pic he saw Jennifer's and
he put an X through her pic and said "She isn't w/ us anymore" Then he wrote
"we will miss you" next to it..I said so that why she wasn't on the WB news
w/ you guys and I asked why and he said "she had moved on to other
things".....Then he went over to another crowd of people..
Then I was talking to this man in a wheel chair and he asked where Daniel was
and I said we didn't know..He asked where he could bye the cd and we told
him..There was hardly no one around and we were standing right in front of
the doorway and Danile came out..He gave the man an autograph and I took
their picture for them I then got Daniel autograph and I aske for
a picture..Then a whole bunch a peoples came and so I had to lean next to him
as he was signing thins and my frind took a pic of us...Then I asked the man
if he was going to the show and he said no..So I gave him my extra
ticket...We asked the security guard if this seat was wheelchair accessable
and said they will do somthing to work it out..The a few mins later Elisa and
Angei came and I git my pictures taken w/ them..Then we waited a little whie
more to see if karl was around..Couldn't find him....Did you have him then
then we went inside and saw the opening act,..who was very good and I met
Lori and Cindy who were right behind me. And then Amanda..I was happy to meet
you guys! :) Sorry about dinner..
Then the show was great...Amanda explained most of the details..
I had the perfect seat and I was in less than arms reach of Darren and
Daniel...The performance for Gunning Down romance was great! Darren was
right on his knes in front of me..I got spit on a few times too..lol...I was
screaming so much I could hardly speak afterwards.....
I went to a onehour palce and got my film developed from one of my camera and
my pics came out great...I used all my film up for the first 3 songs because
I thought we couldn't take anymore after that..but then we could...I would
have loved to taken a pic of Darren in his Elvis costume..It was a great
show....I am so happy you got the drumstick Cindy. You deserve it....Ok I
think thats all..No wait we waited on the opposite side that everyone else
was on and Danile came out and my friend christine and her sister got his pic
and autograph..he was so nice signing everyones stuff..Then we waited and
looked for Darren and an empty car left..One girl followed it but the driver
told her to go back..The guard acted like Darren was coming out and told us
all to move to one side..which was all a set up to get Darren out somewhere
else..we left after the guard said everyas gone..and they left....
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